Transform Your Storage Capacity with Drive-in and Drive-Through Pallet Racking Systems
Properly designed and skillfully installed racking systems can yield a world of opportunities for your business, from expanding your inventory to slashing labor costs and increasing your efficiency. AJ Enterprises crafts affordable, high-quality drive-in and drive-through pallet racking systems to help your business grow. Call us today to learn how you can save up to 50% on installations by working with us!
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The Difference Between Drive-in and Drive-Through Racking Systems
Drive-in racking systems operate as last-in/first-out (LIFO) systems, while drive-through racking systems operate as first-in/first-out (FIFO).
With a drive-in pallet racking system, the forklift uses a single side of the racks to load and unload, making it suitable for products with a low turnover rate. Drive-in (LIFO) pallet racking is perfect for maximizing your warehouse space in a cost-effective manner for high-density storage of the same items. Drive-in pallet racking helps you track your revenue accurately because the system allows you to match your recent costs against your current revenue.
Loading for a drive-through pallet racking system takes place on one side while unloading takes place on another, making it more suitable for moving products quickly. Drive-through pallet racking (FIFO) systems are commonly used for perishable items like pharmaceuticals, food and beverages because the oldest products are removed from inventory first. FIFO systems facilitate automated stock rotation and are preferred for storing products with time-sensitive warranties.